Odd-Duck Clan
The Odd-Duck Clan
Site of the Odd-Duck Clan: Deanna, Derek, Allie, Destiny, and Hunter.

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We Are Puting My Fish and My Snail and My Plants Into a Fishbowl.
30 Apr 2007, 7:47:29 am, posted by Destiny

My dad and I are going to put my ecosystem in a fish bowl and throw everything away(just not when somethings living in it)because the top isn't living and the soil will rot and the water will be yuky and when the water is yuky the fish and snail will die so we don't want that to happen so what we did was we put it in a bowl and hung it in a plant hanging and now it's hanging in our dining room.

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Today's Just Regular Friday,But Yesterday Was Really Fun!
26 Apr 2007, 7:54:46 am, posted by Destiny

Today I'm just going to do regular stuff in school and at home theres no plans the only thing thats exiting is that my mom will pick me up to stay at her house for the weekend.But yesterday thats a different story,yesterday we went to the court house and we went to a place where the juge was and we sat there and sat there until everyone got there we had started but the first thing was that the police picked me and another kid (Clint) and the police told us to go up to this desk and do some stuff but we didn't do any thing then after the court was done we went to the Jail House and got to see everything.There werent just litttse windows there was big glass unbreakable windows

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I Wen't To a Science Center But Now I Have To Go To Court.
25 Apr 2007, 7:56:34 am, posted by Destiny

I am going to court today and I get to see a real jail house.I am exited to go to a jail but what I don't like about it is that you have to look through small windows and I am short so I maybe won't get to see everything.I don't have to pack a lunch like yesterday I just have to go there and come back by reeses time,so what I am doing all day is going to court then coming to school then having reeses then having lunch then having my regular stuff.I will have aa great time.

Talk to you soon!!!

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Today I Am Going to a Science Fair!!!!!!
23 Apr 2007, 7:41:35 am, posted by Destiny

Today I am going to a science fair and I am exited of that because I am a person that is all over science and questions more then shoes and clothes.I had to pack my lunch and bring it to the science fair I never bring my lunch to school so thats why I am exited over that too.I hope I get to see lots of inventions there LOL, of course I am going to see inventions at a science fair.I am going to have a great time and I will write more when I get home.

Talk to you later!!!

(forgive me if I forget)

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Today it Might Be Really Nice Outside
22 Apr 2007, 8:41:58 am, posted by Destiny

Today it might be really nice out or it will just rain and I don't want that to happen because I don't like bad weather even though I love rain I just don't like it when it's been goin on for days so I am glad that I looks pretty nice out today I will probably go on acouple walks by my self and maybe play some basketball in my basketball court and do some other things but I will be busy all week.

Talk to you tommorrow!!!!!!!!!

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Yesterday Was So Much Fun!!!
21 Apr 2007, 7:58:23 am, posted by Destiny

Yesterday was really fun and a little bit scary all at once heres the story.Yesterday I woke up got dressed took the dogs out ate breakfast typed yesterdays blog and left to go to the auction we didn't exactly go to the auction first we wen't to a sale in a house their were tons of people there I bought two things one to sell on ebay the other for school after that we wen't to the auction and bid for some things we didn't actually get all the things we bid for because other people were bidding too I got two really old licsen plates for a dollar and that is a really good price for liscens plates then we went home walked to a book store and walked back home I did my chores then did whatever up in my room with my step sister then we went to a chines buffet but we were thinking of walking but it started to storm so we had to drive.I ate sooo much after that we went home to picdk up something then went to the mall to pick up my step moms sunglasses but the scary thing was oon the way there someone slammed on there brakes in a one way and we almost crashed into them after picking up her glasses we dropped Allie off then went home I was so tired I fell a sleep at 8:00.

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Today My Family and I are Going to an Auction Again!!!!!!!
20 Apr 2007, 7:34:17 am, posted by Destiny

Today we are going to an auction again and it will be indoor and we will bid on stuff (but children can't bid).And it will be in town so it's not like it's going to be a couple of ours away so it's not like I will be exited and have to wait for two hours and be bored.

I will talk to you soon!

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It is Spring!!!!!
18 Apr 2007, 7:27:10 am, posted by Destiny

It is spring and it is really nice out I am already wearing cuprees because it is so nice out (I don't know how to spell cuprees so please forgive my spelling grammer).I get to have extra reesess when it is nice outside.Floweres are coming up and we have lots of grass and soon we have to mow the lawn and do some spring cleaning in our house.(Expeacally in our living room!!)

Talk to you soon!!!

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I Had a Ochresta Consert Last Night!!!
18 Apr 2007, 7:18:23 am, posted by Destiny

Last night I had a consert I play violin and I think I do it very well because there was a kid at the consert and he looked like he was working on this for years and I havn't been playing for years and I played just as good as him.I am going to play 'till I can't play anymore.

Talk to you soon!!!!

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My Ecosystim isn't doing that great...
10 Apr 2007, 7:18:20 am, posted by Destiny

O.k. this is my ecosystim,on the top is two dead crickets I don't know where the pill bugs are (probably eating the roots of my plants!!!!!!) but it's a good thing they are alive!!!On the bottom there is one fish one snail and really healthy elodea and really healthy duckweed and gravel and lots of algea for the snail but the snail and the fish eat the elodea because you can see all these little nibbles on the leafs.

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It's School Again
10 Apr 2007, 7:07:50 am, posted by Destiny

It's school again and I don't like it I just wish it was Summer again instead of school again I only have two more months of school including this one.We are having Market Place (Invent America) and I am inventing a book with light up pages and my teacher said that you can sculped it or draw it or just make it I am going to draw it but I don't think I am going to win 50 dollars for it.

Talk to you soon!!!

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Yesterday Was Fun But There Was a Little Mistake In The Middle Of All of It
8 Apr 2007, 11:09:13 am, posted by Destiny

We were at my great grandmas house having a good time then it was time to drop me off at my other grandmas house we got there rang the door bell standed there for a couple seconds nothing,we rang the doorbell again still nothing then we didn't see my mom's car so we thought "They probably changed the plans" so we went home called them to see whats up and my mom said that they didn't even hear the doorbell so my mom was dissapointed in me because she said to go in a different door and made me cry because I thought she was pretty angry at me when she said that she didn't want anyone to feel bad then she talked to my dad and got into a arguement and then we worked it out and the next thing you know it my mom and step dad are waiting for me outside and then she talked to me more about it and I am thinking in my head "didn't we already talk about this?" well she was just wondering what we can do so this wouldn't happen again and I said to fix the doorbell and she said that would work and she said to just remember to go in the other door and that worked after that we had to drop her off because she wasn't feeling well because of the arguement with my dad then I got tones of candy and had a good Easter.

Talk to you soon!!!!!!!!

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It's Easter!!!!!!!!!!!
7 Apr 2007, 8:29:39 am, posted by Destiny

It's Easter and I am going to go to my great-grandmothers house for lunch and my family will be there.Every Easter my cousin and I will write numbers from one to ten and she will have a row and I will have a row we will mix them up then pass them to people.One of the two people will have the number two they will get a chocolate bunny.I think it's fun but I'v never won the chocolate bunny I might have once but I don't remember it if I have.

Have a good Easter and I will talk to you soon!!

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Today We Are Going to an Auction!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Apr 2007, 8:21:21 am, posted by Destiny

My family and I are going to an auction tooday and buy some things there but it's a long way away it's a couple hours.I can't wait!!!!

Talk to you soon!!!

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My Ecosystim Is GREAT!!!!!!
6 Apr 2007, 8:12:20 am, posted by Destiny

My ecosystim is doing really good exept I think one of my snails died but thats O.K. because my other snail is alive and my fish are fine and so are my plants and bugs I watered them yesterday.How I watered them was where on the top there are holes on the top and I just pour a glas of water in the holes and then the water drips through the holes and goes in the soil then goes through gravel into where the fish and snails are.

Talk to you soon!!

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I Am Goin to the Movies Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Apr 2007, 7:57:07 am, posted by Destiny

I am goin to the movies today with my grandma but I guess I don't know if I actually am because I can't just be with my grandma because I need to be with two grownups not just my grandma and I don't know if my dad said YES or NO to going to the movies.

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I Don't Have School for 5 Days!!!!!!!!
5 Apr 2007, 7:49:11 am, posted by Destiny

I don't have school for 5 days but I don't know what to do I guess my grandma and great grandma are taking me to a movie today and I have to make something and I have to water my ecosystim sometime and I am going to a friends house maybe today I guess I have a lot of things to do today,but I don't know what to do all weekend.I'll think about it.

Talk to you soon!!!

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Will We Actually Get a Summer?!?
4 Apr 2007, 5:50:18 pm, posted by Destiny

It's been snowing like crazy out and I don't understand why it just HAS to snow in April and why it didn't snow in November instead, because isn't it spring????

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We Brought Our Ecosystims Home!!!!
4 Apr 2007, 5:42:46 pm, posted by Destiny

We brought our ecosystims home and everything in my ecosystim is living so far all I have to do is water my plants every other day and I have to be careful for how much water I need to put in there because the plants can't have too much water and I don't want to kill my bugs my step mom was worried because she wanted to make sure that there wouldn't be bugs hopping everywhere or crawling everywhere.I'm just exited that I got to bring it home.

Talk to you later!!!

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We Have Tons of SNOW!
4 Apr 2007, 7:52:42 am, posted by Destiny

It's April and we have like 5 inches of snow!I thought it was spring but it's winter again I hope it leaves after a week.

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It's Winter Again
2 Apr 2007, 8:00:19 am, posted by Destiny

It's winter again and I don't like it,we got about 3 inches of snow and it's April.Who would want snow when its April? I hope we actually have a summer.

Talk to you soon!

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2 Apr 2007, 7:52:00 am, posted by Destiny

It is still wet outside and it's been wet sinse last Wendsday!!I am so glad that it will stop raining soon because then it will be nice out and I will get to ride my bike!

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My Mom (real mom)
1 Apr 2007, 5:38:57 pm, posted by Destiny

My mom is a great mom and she is a very nice to us kids I like that she understands you more (but of course she doesn't understand you when you are not making sense) but so does my dad most guys don't understand girls but my dad does and I don't care if I am bragging about my dad and mom.

Talk to you tommorow!!

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